
Dear blogosphere,

I’m going to start out by using a word I don’t use that often:  Sucks.  I don’t really know why I don’t like the word, I suppose everyone has a word or two that makes then switch a little inside when they hear it, and this is one of those words for me.  Let’s talk about things that suck:  flat tires suck.  Coming home to your dog chewing on your new pair of heels suck, and for me, January sucked.  So.  Let’s begin again.  Here’s to a new month, a new attitude, and a new start.  Shall we?

To be quite honest, I’m not really comfortable telling you my whole life story, because I don’t know who’s out there.  But, I’m sure, as I write you will learn about me, and as you comment I will learn about you, which I think is a lot more fun anyway.  This world is already overran with instant gratification without me adding to it.  So let’s skip the “all about me” chat and get to the chase.  What you do need to know is that I like libraries.  I like helping people, and I like knowing stuff.  Thus, I somehow found myself in a LIS graduate school program, in a Knowledge Management class, that required me to set up a blog, and thus, led me to you.  You can thank the teacher later.  A lot of the things I post will be about what I love to study, and I know the general public yawns when I mention words like “information” or “management, but, as you will learn, there’s a lot more about my life than just books, and this is, after all, my blog.  But for now, books.  And by books, I really mean scholarly journals filled with genius ideas compacted in article format, but you get the picture.  

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